Custom Widgets & Fields
Massdriver's RJSF Form
component is a wrapper enhancing RJSF's MUI ThemedForm
. This wrapper allows us to provide custom widgets, fields, error messages, and AJV formData sanitization to the basic ThemedForm
Implementation Pattern
When implementing a Custom Widget/Field
, you must define both the schema
and the uiSchema
. The way custom Widgets/Fields work in RJSF, you must take the name
of the property
defined in the schema
, and use the uiSchema
to pair that property
with a custom Widget/Field. Some custom Widgets/Fields also allow/require additional external props to be passed to the Widget/Field through the uiSchema.
Schema & UiSchema Pairing
Here is an example, using the schema
and uiSchema
to display a custom DnsZonesDropdown
type: object
title: DNS Zones schema
description: A dummy schema to show how to use custom fields.
dnsZones: # <-- This is where you define the property name
type: string
title: DNS Zones
description: A list of DNS Zones configured with Massdriver.
dnsZones: # <-- Use the name defined in the properties object. If it is a nested property, follow the same path here
ui:field: 'dnsZonesDropdown' # <-- Here we define the ui:field and match it to the name given to our custom field
For any custom Widget/Field, setting the property type
does not matter. Set it to string
to have a basic text field render if there is any issue with the schema/uiSchema
Nested/Array Schema & uiSchema Pairing
It is also possible to use Custom Widgets/Fields
in nested properties
. If a property is nested, just be sure to follow the same schema
path in the uiSchema
. For example, if the property in the schema
is nested under personalInformation/name/lastName
, then you would follow that same path in the uiSchema
For array fields
, you must also specify nesting under the items
property. An example can be seen below.
Here is an example:
type: object
title: Nested custom fields/widgets example
A dummy schema to show how to render custom fields/widgets in nested
type: object
title: Enter your personal information
description: Your personal information that will be associated with your new account.
type: object
title: Name
type: string
title: First Name
type: string
title: Last Name
type: array
title: A list of your hobbies
type: object
type: string
title: One of your hobbies
personalInformation: # We have nested down under 'personalInformation/name/lastName' to change this specific property's field.
ui:field: slug
hobbies: # We have nested down under 'personalInformation/hobbies/items/hobby' to change this specific property's field.
items: # Array fields like this require you to nest under their 'items' property as well.
ui:field: slug
Custom Error Messages
Massdriver's RJSF Form
also provides support for custom error messages. You can provide custom error messages via the schema
by adding a message
object under a defined property. Inside that messages
object, you can match any number of constraints defined inside that property (minLength
, pattern
, etc.) to a string containing the custom error message. That custom error message will then be used in place of the default RJSF message.
Here is an example of a schema
with a custom error message for a regex pattern
type: object
title: Custom Error Messages Example
description: A Description.
- name
type: string
title: Name
description: A user-friendly name.
pattern: '^(?:[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*/)*[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$' # Here we define the regex pattern constraint
message: # When an invalid name is submitted, the custom error below will be rendered in place of the default
pattern: Invalid name. Should only contain lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and forward slashes.
All custom Widgets/Fields have their Component Name in PascalCase
and their Identifying Name (the one used in the uiSchema
) in camelCase
. Example: DnsZonesDropdown
is the component name and dnsZonesDropdown
is the identifying name used in the uiSchema
There are currently no custom Widgets available.
Data Conversion Field
The ConversionFieldData
is a TextField that converts whatever units the user submits to the base units defined in the uiSchema
. The TextField has a Select Menu adjacent to it where the user can select what units they want to be submitting. For example, say you have a ConversionFieldData that takes the input as bytes. A user can choose to submit 2 megabytes
, which would automatically be turned into 1000000 bytes
in the formData
. Pass a specific unit
, KiB
, KB
, MiB
, MB
, GiB
, or GB
) externally via the uiSchema
to control what the user input gets converted into in the formData
Do not update the unit
value in the uiSchema
once this field is exposed to a user. If the user has previously saved data, changing the unit
value in the uiSchema
will alter the user's saved data in unpredictable ways.
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
unit | True | string | undefined | Bytes , KiB , KB , MiB , MB , GiB , or GB DEPRECATED: Kibibytes , Kilobytes , Mebibytes , Megabytes , Gibibytes , or Gigabytes | A string that decides what unit of measurement the user input gets converted into in the formData . |
type: object
title: Conversion Field schema
description: Testing Conversion Fields.
- data
type: integer
title: Data in Bytes Field
description: A mock field for Data conversion.
ui:field: conversionFieldData # Necessary to render the custom field
unit: Bytes # A necessary prop that decides what unit of measurement the user data gets converted into in the formData (in this case, "Bytes")
Time Conversion Field
The ConversionFieldTime
is a TextField that converts user-submitted units into the base units defined in the uiSchema
. The TextField has a Select Menu adjacent to it where the user can select what units they want to be submitting. For example, say you have a ConversionFieldTime that takes the input as milliseconds: A user can choose to submit 2 minutes
, which would automatically be turned into 120000 milliseconds
in the formData
. Pass a specific unit
, Seconds
, Minutes
, Hours
, or Days
) externally via the uiSchema
to control what the user input gets converted into in the formData
Do not update the unit
value in the uiSchema
once this field is exposed to a user. If the user has previously saved data, changing the unit
value in the uiSchema
will alter the user's saved data in unpredictable ways.
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
unit | True | string | undefined | Milliseconds , Seconds , Minutes , Hours , or Days | A string that decides what unit of measurement the user input gets converted into in the formData . |
type: object
title: Conversion Field schema
description: Testing Conversion Fields.
- duration
type: integer
title: Duration in Milliseconds Field
description: A mock field for Time conversion.
ui:field: conversionFieldTime
unit: Milliseconds
DNS Zones
The DnsZonesDropdown
is an asynchronous dropdown field that queries for and populates with an organization's DNS Zones currently connected with Massdriver. Once selected, the DNS Zone's cloudProviderId
will be added to the formData
. This dropdown also supports external filtering via a cloud
type. Pass a specific cloud
, gcp
, or azure
) externally via the uiSchema
to control what the DnsZonesDropdown
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
cloud | False | string | undefined | aws , gcp , azure | A string that, if provided, constrains the contents of the field by cloud type. |
type: object
title: Dns Zones schema
description: An example schema that shows the dnsZonesDropdown field implementation.
type: string
title: DNS Zones
description: A list of DNS Zones configured with Massdriver.
ui:field: dnsZonesDropdown
cloud: azure
Supported Cloud Locations (Regions)
The SupportedCloudLocationsDropdown
is an asynchronous dropdown field that queries for and populates with all the supported locations given a specific cloud. Once selected, the plaintext location
will be added to the formData
Most of the time, you will be fine passing a given cloud provider as the cloudService
, gcp
, azure
). Only pass something else if the thing you are implementing has differing locations from the default list of locations supported by that cloud provider. If this is the case, be sure to reach out for support first as the cloudService
that you are trying to implement may not be supported in the cloudLocations
query yet.
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
cloudService | True | string | undefined | aws , gcp , azure , ECR , GAR , etc. | A string that is used in the query to get all the supported locations for a specific cloud. |
type: object
title: Locations schema
An example schema that shows the supportedCloudLocationsDropdown field
type: string
title: Locations
description: A list of supported locations for this cloud service.
ui:field: supportedCloudLocationsDropdown
cloudService: ECR
Azure Instance Types
The InstanceTypesDropdown
is an asynchronous dropdown field that queries for and populates a list of supported instance types for a region in Azure. In order to do that, an argument must be supplied that informs Massdriver how to find
the region, either by way of connections or params schemas.
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
query | True | string | undefined | , params.region , etc. | A string that is used in the query to get all the supported instance types for a specific Azure region. |
service | True | string | undefined | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL | A string that is used in the query to get all the supported instance types for a specific Azure region. |
type: object
title: Sku
description: An example schema that shows the InstanceTypesDropdown
field implementation.
type: string
title: Name
description: Name of the desired Azure Sku.
default: ''
type: string
title: Region
descripton: 'The region to deploy to'
default: ''
ui:field: InstanceTypesDropdown
service: Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL
The Dropzone
field is a file dropzone. Once a file is added, the parsed binary string
for that file will be added to the formData
External props passed through the uiSchema
type: object
title: Dropzone schema
description: An example schema that shows the dropzone field implementation.
type: string
title: File Dropzone
description: A file dropzone.
ui:field: dropzone
Versioning Dropdown
The versioningDropdown
field is used to restrict users abilities to change versions. By providing it a list of versions, the field will automatically sort the versions in descending order. Once a user has chosen a version and provisioned their infrastructure, the field will block them from changing to certain versions. By default, the field will block users from downgrading. You can also set an upgradeConstraint
and a downgradeConstraint
via the uiSchema
These constraints can have the following values:
- Disables all versionsnone
- Disables no versionsminor
Disables all but minor versions
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
upgradeConstraint | false | string | none | all , none , minor | A constraint on the ability to upgrade versions. |
downgradeConstraint | false | string | all | all , none , minor | A constraint on the ability to downgrade versions. |
type: object
title: Example Infrastructure Schema
description: An example schema that shows the versioningDropdown implementation
title: Version
description: The server version.
type: string
- '4.2'
- '4.0'
- '3.6'
- '3.2'
- '3.0'
ui:field: versioningDropdown
upgradeConstraint: all # Blocks the user from being able to upgrade
downgradeConstraint: minor # Only allows the user to downgrade minor versions
Deploy-Locked Dropdown
The deployLockedDropdown
is a select menu that disabled specific items once the infrastructure has been deployed. Provide an ordered list to the field via the schema
and provide a disableType
to the uiSchema
of either higher
, lower
, or an object specifying both higher
and lower
parameters. The field will initially allow the user to select any of the values. Once a value is selected and the package is deployed, the dropdown will disable values depending on the provided disableType
- If you supply
, then all values higher in the list than the current value will be disabled. - If you supply
, then all values lower in the list than the current value will be disabled. - If you supply
with an object, then all values outside of the supplied range will be disabled. (ie.{higher: 2, lower: 2}
will allow the user to select two values above and below the current value.)- Supplying an object containing a value of true will disable all values for that "side". (ie.
{higher: 2, lower: true}
will allow the user to select two values above the current and nothing else.) - Supplying an object missing a key will enable all values for that "side". (ie.
{higher: 2}
will allow the user to select two values above the current, or any value lower than it.)
- Supplying an object containing a value of true will disable all values for that "side". (ie.
External props passed through the uiSchema
Name | Required | Type | Default | Example | Description |
disableType | false | lower , higher , or object | lower | lower , higher , {lower: 2, higher: 2} | Determines what dropdown items should be accessible once the package has been deployed |
type: object
title: Deploy-Locked Dropdown Example
description: An example schema that shows the deployLockedDropdown field implementation.
type: string
title: Deploy-Locked Dropdown
description: A dropdown that will disable values once the package is deployed.
- '64 GB'
- '32 GB'
- '16 GB'
- '8 GB'
- '4 GB'
- '2 GB'
ui:field: deployLockedDropdown
disableType: lower
ui:field: deployLockedDropdown
higher: 2
lower: true