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Contributing to Massdriver Bundles


Bundle Philosophy

Bundles are intended to be tightly use-case scoped, intention-based reusable pieces of IaC for use in the Massdriver platform; see Building the Right Size Bundle. For this reason, major feature additions that broaden the scope of an existing bundle are likely to be rejected by the community.

How to Contribute​

There are several ways to contribute Massdriver bundles:

  • Fix bugs
  • Contribute minor non-interface-breaking improvements to existing bundles in the massdriver-cloud organization

If you do choose to contribute to a public Massdriver bundle the process is as follows:

  1. Open a tracking issue to describe the change or fix you plan to implement
  2. Fork the repo
  3. Cut a new branch for your feature from the tip of origin/main
  4. Push your changes and open a pull request

PR Reviews on Existing Bundle Repos​

For the time being, only Massdriver employees will have approve / merge / commit access to our bundle repos.

Alternatives to Contributing to Public Bundles​

  • Fork an existing bundle if you are trying to make a major feature change or support a different use case with similar technology
  • Develop your own bundle from scratch and optionally open source in your own organization

Not Sure Whether to Fix or Fork?​

Before doing a lot of hard work, please open an issue on the existing bundle repo describing the change and tag your issue proposal and the community will review it and get back to you regarding whether your change fits in the existing bundle scope. You can tag the Code Owners of that bundle repo to expedite the feedback.