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The next step in your journey is to add DNS to your FizzBuzz API project. DNS is a critical component of any application and Massdriver makes it easy to add DNS to your application.



Add DNS to Massdriver​

To create a DNS zone (or link an exising one):

  1. Visit the DNS Zones page
  2. Click Create to create a new zone, or Connect to connect an existing zone
  3. Select the cloud you want to use for DNS
  4. Fill out the form and click Submit

Add your cloud DNS zone to your domain registrar​


If your domain registar is not listed, please let us know by leaving feedback!


  1. Click Configure on the kubernetes bundle
  2. Select your DNS zone from the dropdown
  3. Click Deploy

Kubernetes DNS


Massdriver will automatically deploy the DNS zone to your cluster, using cert-manager and external-dns helm charts. Cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates. ExternalDNS allows you to control DNS records dynamically via Kubernetes resources in a DNS provider-agnostic way. ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.

Add DNS to your kubernetes deployment​

  1. Click Configure on the FizzBuzz application
  2. Set your DNS hostname to
  3. Click Deploy

Kubernetes app DNS


  1. Click Configure on the FizzBuzz application
  2. Select your DNS zone from the dropdown
  3. Set your subdomain to fizzbuzz
  4. Click Deploy

Serverless DNS


Massdriver will automatically handle the IAM/RBAC needed to deploy your DNS zone to your serverless app runtime using least privilege access best practices.