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Once an application bundle has been published to the Massdriver Bundle Manager, it can be connected and configured via the UI and then deployed via UI or CLI.


CLI access for connecting and configuring application and infrastructures is coming soon and is already available in our GraphQL API.

If you would like beta access to our API. Please contact us through chat when logged in.

From the UI, you can deploy any application you have access to which includes your private applications and public open-source applications added by the community.


To finish this guide you will need:

  • A connected cloud (AWS, Azure, or GCP)
  • A domain name registered with your cloud
  • A Service Account

Log into Massdriver.

Navigate to Organization > Credentials and click AWS IAM Role and follow the instructions on the screen.

Add AWS Credential

Next navigate to projects and create a new project named Example. A project is a parity boundary and used to replicate infrastructure and applications between environments like application environments (staging, production) and/or regions (us-west-1, us-west-2, or prod us west 2).

Create Project.

Add an environments Staging.

Create Environment

Finally attach the credential you created in the previous step:

Connect AWS IAM Role

Design and deploy infrastructure for your application:

If you followed the guide in the previous section your application will depend on a Kubernetes Cluster and PostgreSQL.

Add and connect the following resources from the bundle sidebar. To expand the sidebar click the "package" icon.

You'll need to add:

  • massdriver/aws-vpc
  • massdriver/aws-eks-cluster
  • massdriver/aws-rds-postgres or massdriver/aws-aurora-serverless-postgres

After adding each to the canvas click Configure. Feel free to fine tune the configuration, but if you are new to cloud infrastructure the Configuration Presets are a great way to get started quickly. Select a preset like Development and then click Deploy.


The artifact system in Massdriver (the boxes you connect lines to) shares common types between bundles to make it possible to swap between different infrastructure bundles that provide the same functionality.

In this example you could use massdriver/aws-rds-postgres, massdriver/aws-aurora-serverless-postgres, or a version of PostgreSQL running on Kubernetes.

Draw Infrastructure

Once all of your infrastructure has booted up, you can add and connect your application: YOUR_ORG_PREFIX/k8s-phoenix-chat-example.

You can now click configure and set your values. You can set any values here that makes sense for your application. A publicly hosted docker repository can be used: massdriver/cloud/phoenix-chat-example.

If you registered a DNS Zone check "Enable Public Internet Access" and you'll be able to set a hostname for your application. This will configure a public load balancer, TLS certificate, and DNS record for your application.

Once your application has been configured and connected, it can also be deployed from our CLI.

The deploy command expects the package name in the format of foo-bar-baz. If you followed the above example it will be example-staging-phoenixchat. If you can't remember the name of your application, mouse over its human-friendly name in the UI and it will be displayed.

Package Name

mass deploy can be added to your CI/CD pipeline to trigger deployments to your Kubernetes cluster.

mass deploy example-staging-phoenixchat

Your Organization ID can be found by hovering over your org name in the sidebar:

Organization ID